Well my 10 year old daughter was out of school all but one day last week with this wonderful stomach bug that is going around. Now my 5 year old son has gotten it too. What are we are we to do when no one can eat? Well we waited until everyone got better last weekend before we made chili… We even had to laugh at the thought of having a chili incident. It would have been memorable, but not one that we would like to look back at, if you know what I mean.
Well we have stocked up on Ginger ale, and Lysol Disinfectant Spray. The poor kids that are sick are quarantined and the rest of us can go on as normal for the most part. My son is watching Jimmy Neutron on my Kindle Fire right now, he seems content. I have to get going and make dinner for the rest of us. I hope everyone is doing well. Take Care!