We played inside or outside, and we didn’t play for keepsies. You see she had her own bag of marbles, like mine. Finding marbles sets today is still quite simple. I found a few listed at Amazon.com for under $10, a package.
We start by making a circle, either on the sidewalk with chalk, or in the dirt with a stick, or if you want to play inside with a string.
We each had 13 smaller marbles (called mibs) and 1 larger marble (called a shooter) for shooting, that we played with.
The object is to get as many mibs out of the circle as possible without your shooter leaving the circle. If your shooter leaves the circle the mibs that you knocked out don’t count and go back into the circle. Each of us collected our “captured” mibs in piles next to us. We played by taking turns every turn, regardless if the last person “captured” any mibs or not. The person with the most marbles “captured” at the end when all the mibs are gone wins.
There are so many different variations to playing. The most important thing is to make sure all of the rules have been clearly discussed with everyone at the beginning, and everyone agrees to them.
I mainly loved the beauty that the marbles have. As a child I was very careful with my collection. To this day, they are one of my most cherished belongings and they sit right on my desk (since I found them). I would love to hear from other marble lovers as well.
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