Thursday, August 11, 2011

Boredom Buster: Independence

Today the weather was gray and miserable.  The sun did come out for a bit then ran away again.  My younger daughter and my son wanted something to do and they together came up with a splendid idea.  They each took turns choreographing a dance routine, and then practiced it until they thought they were spot on.  Then they put on a show.  It was so much fun, watching them dance together and get along with each other while doing something of their own creation. 
The kids have fun coming up with things all of the time, to kill the boredom.  They are their worst critics and biggest fans to one another.  Keeping a distanced eye on them, allows them to learn the social building skills that they will require in school.  It is great to be able to see them work out their problems without help from me.  It shows us as parents that we are giving them enough freedom to grow and build self confidence.
Its is great to come up with things for you and your kids to do, but it will consume you and make them dependent on you for solutions to their boredom.  Allowing them to find their own way, and still have the needed limits is essential.  They still know the rules and know they will be expected to follow them.  Hope Everyone is having a wonderful summer.  Please tell us about some amazing things that your kids are coming up with by themselves. 

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