Monday, April 9, 2012

My Promotional Idea

I love projects that I can do with the kids.  So a Melt and Pour kit was a great inexpensive taste of what playing with soap making would be.  The kids had a blast and I did too.  I didn’t really think much more about it other than it was a super easy craft to do with the kids.  When my father in law, complimented me and told me how awesome he thought the soap was and that I should start making them to sell, I started to pay attention. 
I wasn’t all that excited on my own because the project was too easy for me.  I know from watching many Soap Queen episodes on YouTube that the creativity is endless, but I wanted full control over the whole process.  Bringing lye into the house was something that my husband would have to agree with me on, it is a poisonous substance and we have small children.  I never considered it an option because I was afraid to ask if I could.  But when his father was encouraging me, my husband was on board already.
I had already touched on the subject about a year and a half ago when I found the Soap Queens series on YouTube.  I subscribed to a few other Vlogs and watched how they made their soaps, I was completely fascinated.  It was always one of those “someday, when I …” type things. 
Well this came at me kind of fast, and its been a whirl wind for me.  I have subscribed to about 6 more Vlogs on YouTube, I have read two great books cover to cover and I have been researching and taking notes as if I were in school.  This has taken me almost 2 months, I want to learn as much as I can before I spend a bunch of money that we just don’t have on quite possibly just a hobby.
Here are the questions I asked myself before spending anything other than my own time on my inspiration.
  1. What inspires me?
  2. What is holding me back from attempting it?
  3. Do I have a support system or will I have to fight to get support?
  4. Am I willing to do a lot of research on the subject, before I spend money on it?
  5. Am I willing to consider other peoples opinions on some of the choices I need to make?  If No, how important is it to me to have peace in our family? 
I would hate to see anyone put a lot of money into something that they just cannot pursue at this time, because of lack of time, a unified support system wasn’t in place, or the research wasn’t done and they dove in to something without being comfortable with the complete process.  There is an economic crisis right now and being very careful with what we spend it critical, I totally get that we too are living on a very tight budget.
I just want you to make a very educated decision before jumping in.  In my next post I will touch on how I budgeted and created a game plan for how to get started.  Good Luck and have fun, but do it smart so you can avoid the pitfalls.

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