Saturday, August 6, 2011

Boredom Buster: Local Arts

When I was a child I grew up in an town where there was a local center for the arts.  They had plays, local artists artwork, classes for kids that involved crafts, dance, and musicals.  The art center was a place I treasured as a child.  I remember going there for:
  • dance classes
  • making paper
  • egg decorating with wax
  • plays
  • an amazing haunted house at Halloween
  • musicals
I loved the atmosphere there, and I strive in my adulthood to share these qualities with my own children.  Allowing creativity is truly calming and uplifting in a world of chaos.  Having those impressions so early really has allowed me to find the art in every craft.  Whether it be cooking, writing, interior decorating, home making, parenting, boat building or even gardening.  Art can be anything where people can find the beauty within. 
That art center has now expanded to share there shows with the entire region.  Amazing!  I love the value that it has brought to the area and local communities.  Spreading beauty in a time of darkness raises peoples spirits to allow us all to continue to grow.
Just the other day I took my daughters and one of their friends to a Shakespearian play on the beach.  I mean how cool is that!  I had to explain to them what was happening at times, but sharing this event with them expands their views on what is really possible in this world.  Dreaming big shouldn’t be condemned it should be embraced.
Check out your local newspapers, public radio websites, and flyers that come to you in the mail.  Maybe you too have something in your area.  Even if you think that it might be some lame artsy fartsy idea. Keep looking until one sparks your interest even slightly, give it a try and then let me know!   I would love to hear your thoughts on this.