Friday, July 22, 2011

Staying Cool: During Extreme Heat

We are still having a massive heat spell, today.  Here are some tips for staying cool when its just too hot for you or your family to be outside having fun!  :(
  • Wear light colored, loose fitting, cotton clothing.
  • If the kids are dying to go to the beach or pool, take them in the morning for a few hours, before noon.
  • Running cool water over your wrists and temples.  This cools down your pulse points and overall temperature.
  • Don’t eat large meals, they cause your body to work hard, causing more heat internally.  So eat small meals more frequently.
  • Eating spicy foods that make you sweat will help cool you down.
  • Misting sheets with a linen spray or water, will keep you cool at night, when a fan is being used to circulate the air in the room.
  • Before bed taking a room temperature shower or bath will help you feel cooler as you sleep.  If you take a cool shower, your body will try to compensate and produce more heat.
Be safe everyone!  If you have any other ideas please comment, I would love to hear from you!  Until tomorrow.